I've been making some videos lately, but all of a sudden I'm having problems.
I'm putting live video to music, and it makes a static sound. What I do, is
I mute the sound of the video, add parts of the video to my timeline... I
have a song playing in the background. When it comes to the frames that are
actual video instead of still pictures, it makes like a static sound. Does
anyone know what this is? Also, what is the latest version of Windows Movie
Maker? When I check mine, it says Version 5.1 Copyright 1981-2001 Microsoft
Corporation Windows Movie Maker version 2.1.4026.0??? Any help would be much
I'm putting live video to music, and it makes a static sound. What I do, is
I mute the sound of the video, add parts of the video to my timeline... I
have a song playing in the background. When it comes to the frames that are
actual video instead of still pictures, it makes like a static sound. Does
anyone know what this is? Also, what is the latest version of Windows Movie
Maker? When I check mine, it says Version 5.1 Copyright 1981-2001 Microsoft
Corporation Windows Movie Maker version 2.1.4026.0??? Any help would be much