Statement of Account



I need to reconcile some data for a hockey team and am in need of a "
Statement of Account " spreadsheet. I don't know how to draft my own
so does anyone have a template? I tried to use the one on the Microsoft
web site the problem is I can't seem to be able to sort the Description
column alphabetically??? help

Gord Dibben


You can't sort because there are merged cells in the selection.

Select A11

Format>Cells>Alignment. Uncheck "Merge Cells"

Doesn't harm the worksheet and you can use "Center across selection" if you
want to re-format the look of the "brought forward" in row 11

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Thanks Gord,

Merged cells doesn't seem to be checked. The second problem with this
template is that it seems to have dropped the ability to add my account
balance column. I assume it is likely because I have used the delete
button along the way. Believe it or not I have spent all day and night
now trying to what should be simply for most people. Resorted to try
and use word to recap my figures, nightmare


Sorry Gord, you are right I uncheck merged cells but I am still unsure
how to sort alphabetically, it soesn't seem to be an option under
sort. The second problem is the template seems to have dropped the
ability to add the balance column??

Gord Dibben

I will preface this with the advice that you start doing things on a copy of
the worksheet.

Hold down the CTRL key and drag the worksheet to the right. A copy will be

Alphabetically sorted means sorted in Ascending order.

As in a to z

In your case, sort on Column B(Description) in Ascending order.

NOTE: very important that you select all 5 columns A through E starting at
row 12.

Do not sort above that.

If you look in the cells in column E(account balance) there should be a
formula in each one that keeps track of the balance as you enter debits and

The one in E12 is this...............


If the others are gone, just enter and drag/copy down the column. the Template and start over.


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