State & Notification Broker's ConnectionsNetworkCount

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In State and Notification Broker what does the ConnectionsNetworkCount value
store? Does it store the number of networks that are available (WLAN, GPRS
etc.) or does it store the number of connections across networks that are
open right now? For instance when I start up the device in uncradled mode
and I have WiFi connectivity & GPRS available, would ConnectionsNetworkCount
show a count of 2 or since I don't have any connections open it would show


It should return the number of connections which are currently connected,
not those which are available.So any network (anything which gives you a
TCP/IP connection) which is currently connected adds to this count. So with
GPRS coverage available but not connected and WiFi not currently associated
with an access point you'd get 0 for this count.

Thanks for answering my query, Peter. So if my WiFi does happen to be
associated with an access point (and has valid IP address, DNS etc.) it would
be set to 1?

Okay, I've done a quick test and should clarify my answer slightly.
ConnectionsNetworkCount and ConnectionsNetworkDescriptions apply only to
Wireless or Wired LAN connections (a GPRS connection wont show here using
ConnectionsCellularCount instead). When I'm associated with an access point
I see ConnectionsNetworkCount = 1 and the ConnectionsNetworkDescriptions has
the SSID of the access point.

Hi Peter Foot

i have searched on your website for an email Address wihtout luck, anyway
could you help me aswering some important questions? Like i have a manged API
from inthehandsite. i also know how to turn on those radio button for each
communication method: Phone,WIFI,Bluetooth. i ahve also the sample code from
you. but i don't know how to test to turn on/off the wifi. For example i had
a BtEmulator with the bt Service and Remote Framework tool. there i had
emulator who could simulate that, but how about the wifi testing, how could
you do that?

i guess it has to do with the cellular emulator, wich is alternative for
Active Sync/WMDC. the way you have explained here with State & Notification
Broker, get the state connctet through wifi or not?

My DEV Environment: Vista; Visual Studio 05; MS Emulator Pro 6/6.1; WMDC;
RMFRAMETOOL; Bluetooth Dongle, WIFI Station. My Laptop is connected via the
Wifi station. in the bluetooth case, i needed a Emulator who was able to
turn On/off bluetooth; btmanager.cetool;

For example, when i use my Ie within the Emulator, i can surf on the
internet(WMDC must connected), thats working. but this nothing special, cause
i guess the ie gets same connection tye like the Inter Explorer from
dev-desktop and thats why its also working or not?

Peter Foot i hope i have understood my problem provide in the correct

Thanks in advance
kind regards

Suren Ariyaratnam
It sounds like you want the emulator to use WiFi. Is that true? Give us a
clear question. "I want to <what>, but <something> is preventing me from
doing that. How do I <something>?"

Paul T.
Hi Paul

Thanks for ur reply and sry i should be more clearer.
Yes it's true, i want a an emulator, who can use wifi. But i dont know how
to do that or where to download such a emulator?
Becasue i want to test the wifi-ON/wifi-OFF behavoiur.
Can i test that, with the following Emulator?

many thanks for ur help
kind regards
Suren Ariyaratnam
Use a real device.

Paul T.

Suren Ariyaratnam said:
Hi Paul

Thanks for ur reply and sry i should be more clearer.
Yes it's true, i want a an emulator, who can use wifi. But i dont know how
to do that or where to download such a emulator?
Becasue i want to test the wifi-ON/wifi-OFF behavoiur.
Can i test that, with the following Emulator?

many thanks for ur help
kind regards
Suren Ariyaratnam
Use a real device.

Paul T.

Suren Ariyaratnam said:
Hi Paul

Thanks for ur reply and sry i should be more clearer.
Yes it's true, i want a an emulator, who can use wifi. But i dont know how
to do that or where to download such a emulator?
Becasue i want to test the wifi-ON/wifi-OFF behavoiur.
Can i test that, with the following Emulator?

many thanks for ur help
kind regards
Suren Ariyaratnam