A Web page contains a search function, which fills out a dataset and stores
it in a Session state. A user can navigate through the stored records. If
the user opens a new browser window from the existing one and enters another
search criteria, then the new dataset overrides the dataset from the
previous window in the session state and both windows display the same
results though the search criteria look different.
When the dataset is stored in a view state loading the page takes forever.
How can I solve this problem? Should I retrieve data from a database every
time the page is loaded?
it in a Session state. A user can navigate through the stored records. If
the user opens a new browser window from the existing one and enters another
search criteria, then the new dataset overrides the dataset from the
previous window in the session state and both windows display the same
results though the search criteria look different.
When the dataset is stored in a view state loading the page takes forever.
How can I solve this problem? Should I retrieve data from a database every
time the page is loaded?