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Is there a way to add a program to the Startup list if the program itself
doesn't do it?

Copy and paste the program icon into the startup on the program list. After
you copy the Icon Right click Start on the taskbar, then click on Explore.
Explore should open to Start Menu for your user account. In the right pane
double click on Programs then click on Startup. Paste a copy of the Icon in
this folder.
Is there a way to add a program to the Startup list if the program itself
doesn't do it?

Answered in another newsgroup. Please do not send the same message
separately to more than one newsgroup (called multiposting). Doing so
just fragments the thread, so someone who answers in one newsgroup
doesn't get to see answers from others in another newsgroup. And for
those who read all the newsgroups the message is multiposted to, they
see the message multiple times instead of once (they would see it only
once if you correctly crossposted instead). This wastes everyone's
time, and gets you poorer help than you should get.

If you must send the same message to more than one newsgroup, please
do so by crossposting (but only to a *few* related newsgroups).

Please see "Multiposting vs Crossposting" at
Ken Blake said:
If you must send the same message to more than one newsgroup, please do
so by crossposting (but only to a *few* related newsgroups).

I didn't even have this NG in operation when I first posted. I posted a
second time when I started it up. Not a few - two.

I didn't even have this NG in operation when I first posted. I posted
second time when I started it up. Not a few - two.

It seems like your're misunderstanding what Ken said. He advised you to
crosspost instead of multipost. It's easier for both you and everybody
else monitoring the newsgroups. So the next time you want to send the
same message to more then one group, please crosspost. Two is not a bad
number (like the number of newsgroups you multiposted to this time
around; that was never in dispute). Three or even four would be fine,
provided they are all relevant newsgroups.

Did you read the link Ken provided?:

Please see "Multiposting vs Crossposting" at

Here's another link: