Go to Start|Run... and enter "msconfig". That runs the System
Configuration Utility. The "Startup" tab lists all the programs which run
automatically at Startup. You can stop them running by clearing the check
Also, look in the "Services " tab and check "Hide all Microsoft services".
This will show you all the non-Microsoft services, and will probably include
"Norton Antivirus Protection Service" (it does on my computer).
I don't know what the difference is between a startup item and a service.
Perhaps someone else can explain.
Richard Wein.
Richard / Deemo,
A "startup item" starts when you login. A "service" starts when the
computer starts, before you login.
I use Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel <
http://www.mlin.net/> to
manage my startup lists. SCP gives you a neat little Control Panel
applet. It lets you disable (without deleting) startup items
selectively, without making you boot "Selective Startup". It supports
drag and drop, so you can add items by dropping their shortcuts into
SCP. And it lets you move an item between any of the 5 startup lists,
so you can test the relative effect of its being in any given list.
SCP (and its complementary Startup Monitor) are free.
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