The startup is in one of two places:
Go to Start --> All Programs --> Startup. If the program is there, drag it
to your desktop or QuickLaunch bar.
From then on, it won't start automatically, but will do so when you click
The other place it might be is in the registry
(HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run). Deleting it from here
will prevent it from starting, but the program may put it back everytime it
One other option: Start the program and look for an Options or Preferences
menu. Somewhere in there may be an option to disable autostarting. If there
is, you can start the program normally from the Start menu.
courtney sends....
Geoff A. said:
How can I stop a program running from startup, to speed up the process?
It's a piece of SMART software for running an interactive whiteboard, but
I only use it for planning purposes, so it doesn't need to run
autamatically, just when I need it.
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