In 'Documents and Settings' there are folders 'Administrator', 'All
'Bill' and 'Default User' all of which have a folder 'Start
Menu/Programs/Startup'. If I were to put a shortcut to a different program
in each one in what order would they start? I'm trying to resolve an issue
which may resolve around programs being started in a specific order.
Start from here.
Give us more specifics if you are still having problem.
Like tell us exactly what programs are running in the
wrong order, and what is your expected order.
If you ask vague questions, people could only give you
vague suggestions.
Fair comment Harry.
If I boot up the computer with the modem connected the modem is, somehow,
being used from the outset. I know this because when my fax software
(Ventafax) starts (automatically on boot up) it detects it and reports an
error message "Modem occupied by another application".
If, however, I boot up the computer without the modem connected and connect
the modem after my fax software has started all is fine.
To resolve this issue I need to disconnect the modem each evening so it
starts OK the following day. If I forget I have to stop the fax software
running, disconnect the modem, start the fax software and connect the modem.
I have confirmed that the fax software is running on boot-up from either
Autoexec.bat, config.sys or (as I have now removed the shortcuts from
StartUp) from Startup. That has removed the possibility that another
instance of the fax software is running. However, when I start the fax
software manually it still reports "modem occupied by another application".
Something is 'engaging' the modem although it is not dialling out. However,
I disconnect the modem, start the fax software and then connect the modem
there is no error message and everything works OK. I'm not concerned so
much about the inconvenience of connecting / disconnecting the modem but of
the wear and tear damage this may cause.
Having (hopefully) eliminated other possible causes of conflict there
remains the Registry. I have used your link to find HKEY_LOCAL ... \Run.
The entries here are -
Igfxtray C:\Windows\System32\igfxtray.exe
SymantecPIF AlertEng c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec
Shared\PIF\{B8E1 ...}
which may, or may not be significant.
What else (and where) could cause this problem?
Bill Ridgeway