I went into the registry and went to the key it told me
to and there doesn't appear to be any incomplete entries.
But, I see something that may resolve another weird
startup error. There's a key in Run called Image and it
contains something to do with image.dll, which I doubt is
an important file. An error comes up on startup saying, "
Cannot locate image.dll" so do I delete it?
[[The c:\Windows\image.dll,install file is the dll the Trojan installs. On
deleting the Trojan you delete this file, but the registry value still
remains, that’s why you need to also delete that! It will be found in either
two of the registry locations mentioned above, depending what OS you have.
The best way, as someone else mentioned, is to search the registry for the
image.dll,install key and delete from the location you find it. If you
download Bazooka Spyware Scanner software it actually tells you how to
manually delete all of the adware/spyware out there]]