Windows XP Starts but then stops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 30, 2005
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Me pc switches on and gets to the screen with the Windows logo and the moving bar underneath and it just stops.
Safe Mode etc just get me a screen full of white writting and it stops, no command prompt or normal windows.

Tried Acronis and it tells me to use the Boot disc that was made earlier. Obviously I do not have one.

UBCD tells me the same when I try to use the Seagate tools.

I'm using Sysytem Rescue CD to connect to the web.

I recon it is a MBR thingy.

My copy of XP PRO does not have a " R " option when the CD is used.

I have a copy of XP Home can I use that to fix the mbr ??????????????????

What can I do folks ?????????????? Apart from the usual of course. :(
I realise that . Thats why I was asking for info on how to fix the Master Boot Record = mbr.

Penguin fix: install Linux -- OK, dual boot if you must. Problem solved.

Hi Abarbarian

Take a little look here for help on reparing MBR/recovery console etc...And to answer your question, yes you can fix Master boot Record using an XP Home CD..
Thanks fer the info it will come in useful.

Up and running again but don't know for how long. I'm doing a new install on Betty Blue so I'm not too fussed as long as this poor old pc can hang on for a few more days.

After I left the pc switched of for a few hours it started again but did a check disk on drive C: and then booted into windows. I could not log into the site for a few hours but I think thats another problem.

I'll definitly be installing the recovery console and making some copies of the MBR. Hopefully as I am going to use Acronis I will be able to make a full drive C: backup once I have the thing set up right. Then it should be easy to do a full re-install with a clean os and all me software instaled and set up.
