mark manning
I believe my homepage has been hijacked. The default homepage of my IE 6 has
been reset to the GlobalFinder search engine page or at times my default
homepage opens to Luckysearch search engine. I have also been prevented from
choosing a new a new homepage because my General tab under Tools/Internet
Options has been removed completely.
I am using Windows ME. I ran a McAfee virus scan and McAfee identified one
virus on my computer and reported the virus name to be Startpage-Q. McAfee
attempted to clean the virus but apparently was unable to do so. McAfee did
report that it deleted Startpage-Q virus from my computer.
But the problem still remains that I am unable to set my preference for a
homepage because my general tab is still missing from the Internet Options
I have included a few URLs that address similar problems as mine and offer
instructions for solving the problem. My computer knowledge is extremely
limited; therefore I am unsure of the reliability of the instructions that
are given on these pages.
I would appreciate any advice that would help to solve these problems.
Lastly, but very importantly:
Step no. 5 in the instructions on the www.pchell and www.nerdhelp sites that
I have included in the above list involve using the IE Internet Options
General tab. I am concerned about this step because unless steps 1, 2, 3 and
4 restores my General tab I will not have a General tab and will not be able
to complete the instructions.
I would be happy to provide any information that I may not have included in
this posting if it would be helpful to anyone. Thank you.
Mark Manning
(e-mail address removed)
been reset to the GlobalFinder search engine page or at times my default
homepage opens to Luckysearch search engine. I have also been prevented from
choosing a new a new homepage because my General tab under Tools/Internet
Options has been removed completely.
I am using Windows ME. I ran a McAfee virus scan and McAfee identified one
virus on my computer and reported the virus name to be Startpage-Q. McAfee
attempted to clean the virus but apparently was unable to do so. McAfee did
report that it deleted Startpage-Q virus from my computer.
But the problem still remains that I am unable to set my preference for a
homepage because my general tab is still missing from the Internet Options
I have included a few URLs that address similar problems as mine and offer
instructions for solving the problem. My computer knowledge is extremely
limited; therefore I am unsure of the reliability of the instructions that
are given on these pages.
I would appreciate any advice that would help to solve these problems.
Lastly, but very importantly:
Step no. 5 in the instructions on the www.pchell and www.nerdhelp sites that
I have included in the above list involve using the IE Internet Options
General tab. I am concerned about this step because unless steps 1, 2, 3 and
4 restores my General tab I will not have a General tab and will not be able
to complete the instructions.
I would be happy to provide any information that I may not have included in
this posting if it would be helpful to anyone. Thank you.
Mark Manning
(e-mail address removed)