Starting up Windows - Safe Mode

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Yesterday my computer was not working and whenver I tried logging onto my
name (the only name on the computer), my computer would just restart. Or if I
let it sit for 10 seconds the computer would restart as well.. I tried for
around 50 times and it would restart everytime untill I unplugged it.
So I pressed F8 repetivily while it was starting up the next day after
getting advice from some people and it brought me to a menu of safe modes. I
tried all of the three safe modes it showed over five times each and it also
showed something that said something like 'Start computer before it was
broken' something like that and whenver I choose any of them, it will show a
code that keeps scrolling down the screen until it fills the screen and then
the computer just restarts again and brings me back to safe mode.
I cant even get back to the blue screen that lets me log onto a name now.
Help! :(
Hello David,

In safe mode, use the System Restore utility in Windows to reset the OS to a
time and date point prior to the problem.

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.

And how do I do that..? I cant log into the computer, I cant even get into
the menu which lets me select a name to log onto anymore.. All I can do is
turn on the computer and see the memory test then it brings me to a list of
safe modes to choose.. Other than that it keeps restarting and restarting and
I have to unplug my computer to turn it off.

Give me step by step on what exactly to do if you could please it'd help me
out a load.
Hi David,

OK. Try this, when you have the list from safe mode, seletec the top one
(safe mode). Click only once, from there hopefuly you will get to the screen
in safe mode (usually in each corner you will read safe mode) when the
desktop show, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and
click in System Restore.

Let us know how it works ºut.
When you say click, you mean press 'enter' right?
And I did that, only clicked enter once.. the screen starts to load like
always then it turns black and a small red box in the middle of the screen
says 'RGP no input signal'.. like the past million times.. I understand what
to do after but I dont know how to even get into safe mode without my
computer restarting!
Know anything else I can try? :(
Hi David

I`m assuming you are running Windows XP. If you are and you have a Windows
installation disk. Have you tried booting to the installation disk thus
bypassing the HD? You would have to get into the BIOS settings first (if you
can) to set the boot sequence to boot to your CD drive first if it is not
already doing so. If you can do that then you should hopefully be able to
navigate to the Repair option.

Yes, its a Windows XP; however, I do not know where the installation disk is.
I can ask my mom where it is when she gets back in around an hour. If I
cannot find it, what could I do?
Hi David:

If you bought your computer at a retail store, chances are you don't have a
vanilla Microsoft Windows XP Installation Disk. Typically, the manufacturer
will supply you with a CD customized for your machine. Sometimes you can
reinstall Windows XP using the vendor's CD keeping your private data intact.
Some manufacturers don't supply you with a CD (you can usually order one from
the vendor); instead, they have a recovery partition on the hard drive.
Usually, when you use a recovery partition, you enter something different
than F8 safe mode, I'm used to seeing F10. In this scenario, the recovery
partition is used to rebuild your system and all private data is lost. So
check the literature that came with your computer! It looks like you tried
under safe mode to use your last good configuration. You might have to use
an earlier restore point. If you can't get System Restore to work from safe
mode, you might have to use safe mode with command line and enter the utility
program name that corresponds to System Restore. These techniques are beyond
the novice user and your best bet would be to rebuild a clean system. I hope
you have backed up your important data. Again, read the doc that came with
your computer. And if your computer is still under warranty, get the vendor
to help you.
Or try the "Last Known Good" as a start option, maybe that will get you going


If you are getting a red box that says RGP no input signal ... are you sure
that it does not say:

RGB no input signal.

If so, I would check my video cable to my monitor, or the video card itself.
If you have an integrated video from the motherboard, I would check the BIOS
settings for the video.

Have you tried rebooting in VGA mode under F8 menu.

Also there should be a setting for Disable Automatic reboot on failure (or
something that begins with the word Disable ....). Select that first. That
will prevent the bootup process from cycle on failure.

Have you cahanged anything to do with the Monitor, Video settings, Video
card or been inside the case near the motherboard and 'bumped' the video
card lately?
Good point ! Particularly as a large proportion of start up probs are usually
hardware/hardware driver related. His mum has probably `pole-axed` him by
now. :)

Don`t think we`ll see him on here any time soon ;)
