This is a question for DOS programmers, if there are any here...
I'm successfully using the command line for c# programming, except for one
thing - I can't startup the SDK documentation from it. To get the SDK doco I
have to startup IE on the "...\SDK\StartHere.htm", and then click the link to
the SDK doco. The item linked to is
I've tried every way I can think of to open that link from the command line,
and I'm stuck.
This is a question for DOS programmers, if there are any here...

I'm successfully using the command line for c# programming, except for one
thing - I can't startup the SDK documentation from it. To get the SDK doco I
have to startup IE on the "...\SDK\StartHere.htm", and then click the link to
the SDK doco. The item linked to is
I've tried every way I can think of to open that link from the command line,
and I'm stuck.