Just one thing, we don;t refer to an AD DC as a PDC. That is legacy
terminology. However, one of the 5 FSMO (Flexible Storage Operations Master)
roles is what we call the "PDC
Emulator", which emulates what a PDC did in NT4.
Actually want to ask why do you feel that removing it will fix it? Sometimes
it can be a simple configuration problem in a zone or in TCPIP properties.
It can also be major where the AD DNS domain name is a single label name. IF
so, that will cause alot of issues. Also, if the Primary DNS Suffix is
incorrect or missing, that can cause major problems too. So there are a
number of things that we normally look at first before we would remove/add
the DNS service. THat would be a last resort effort, unless you're getting
problems such as that the service won't start due to possible corruption.
If you remove it, don;t restart it. Just add the service back in. Make sure
you ues Before you add it, make sure the old system32\dns files are all
deleted and the HKLM\System\CCS\Service\DNS key is deleted. May want to also
delete these two files:
Now if you;re still having problems, post back please. But I would suggest
looking at your config first. If you want to take that route, please post an
unedited ipconfig /all and state what the actual AD DNS domain name is (as
it shows up in ADUC).
Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.
Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory