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I have just installed XP from a new full working version, after installing
registered with microsoft and they told me I had a problem with my registry
and to download a registry fixer to solve this, which I have done but without
curing. The problem is that my pc will re-boot itself during the initial
boot-up and I have to hit the enter key to continue. Is this a software
problem or a problem with my harddrive? Can anyone help please because this
is driving me nuts and I am seriously thinking of reverting back to Windows
In Derek <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I have just installed XP from a new full working version, after
installing registered with microsoft and they told me I had a problem
with my registry and to download a registry fixer to solve this,
which I have done but without curing. The problem is that my pc will
re-boot itself during the initial boot-up and I have to hit the enter
key to continue. Is this a software problem or a problem with my
harddrive? Can anyone help please because this is driving me nuts and
I am seriously thinking of reverting back to Windows ME.

No, Microsoft did no such thing - or at least I really hope not??? That
would have been some malware vendor (that's the nice name for them) trashing
your PC for you in hopes of collecting your personal information, selling
you products you don't need, and the likes? Or at least I hope so.

Can you get into the OS via safe mode? If so then try System Restore first I
guess. Safe mode starts the same way it did with Windows ME (F8 during boot)
and you want "Safe Mode Without Networking" for your choice. Anyhow, if you
can't get into the OS via regular or safe mode:

Repair Installation of XP:

There's two links there - one to the Microsoft site and one to the
authoratative site on such. When you are done with that:

Malware Cleaning:

Well, okay, I suppose there's a 1:10000000000 chance that you contacted
Microsoft via email or telephone and some rep told you to use a registry
cleaner but if they did you should call/email them back and yell at them. I
haven't ever heard of a rep telling someone to use a registry cleaner? Wow,
that'd be nuts... Registry cleaning is best done by hand and most generally
not needed at all.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of
existence." - Sherlock Holmes

I agree with Galen concerning the "registry fixer" but running anti-spyware
may remove that problem.

Are you encountering a blue screen of death before the machine automatically
restarts? If yes you should be getting a Stop Error message.

I suggest you Disable automatic restart on system failure. This should
help by allowing time to write down the STOP code properly. Right click
on the My Computer icon on the Desktop and select Properties, Advanced,
StartUp and Recovery, System Failure and uncheck box before
Automatically Restart.

Enable automatic restart on system failure after you have captured /
copied and pasted the message in a further post here.

There will also be Error Reports in Event Viewer. Please post copies.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Administrative Tools,
Event Viewer. When researching the meaning of the error, information
regarding Event ID, Source and Description are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;en-us;308427&Product=winxp

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double
click on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a
button resembling two pages. Double click the button and close Event
Viewer. Now start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of
the message. This will paste the info from the Event Viewer Error Report
complete with links into the message. Make sure this is the first paste
after exiting from Event Viewer.

Are there any yellow question marks in Device Manager? Right click on
the My Computer icon on your Desktop and select Properties. Hardware,
Device Manager. If yes what is the Device Error code?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute
Many thanks for your help, have done what you and Gerry suggested and it
seems to have done the trick, which one worked i dont know, but at least i've
got a system that boots up properly.

Thanks again and a Happy New Year.
Many thanks for your help, have done what you and Galen suggested and my
system is working properly, not sure which which suggestion done the trick.

Again many thanks and a Happy New Year.