starting a PC without the start button

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attilathehun1I want to know if my start button is the problem or I hooked up
the strap to the motherboard connector wrong. When I hit the start button
for a hard boot, nothing happens. I know from past experience that there is
a way to start your desktop PC with a screwdriver by touching certain points
on the motherboard. I would be grateful if someone would save me the hassle
of going over my classroom notes, 5 different classes that I've taken, and
tell me where to touch the screwdriver to.
I have ESD safe tools also, so that isn't an issue.
Thanks, attilathehun1
check the instruction for the motherboard as it should tell you what pins are
the start switch for , if you find that the start switch connected correctly
it is the switch itseft.

as for the screw driver, well once you have found hose two pins just bridge
the connecteion, it does not have to be a permenant connection just long
enough for the mother board to detect the voltage change, then thas it until
you you shut down and have to restard