Thank you. I took a basic look at the link, and it appears that document
refers to a lot of vagueness.
"Microsoft products, services, and Web content—including images, text, and
software downloads (collectively, "Products and Services")—are owned by
Microsoft Corporation and/or by Microsoft vendors, who have given Microsoft
permission to use the Products and Services.
Unless Microsoft explicitly gives you permission within the End-User License
Agreement (EULA) or License Terms that accompany the Products and Services
and/or in the guidelines below, you may not copy, modify, distribute,
display, license, or sell any Products and Services or components contained
in them. "
Does all that mean that if I were to create a Word document or a
Presentation that I could not sell it? Even if I created the document or
presentation by hand or from scratch?
If this is the case then can you please explain how a company like Powered
Templates, Power Finish or Presentation Cafe can create a template for
Powerpoint and sell it?
Power Templates
Power Finish
Presentation Cafe
If I could not sell my presentation then how would I get permission from
Microsoft to sell my work.
Please bear in mind that the presentations that I am creating (or wanting to
create) are for educational purposes and would be sold to the education
Thank you for your assistance.