Starting a Header on Page Three




I have Word 2002, and I'm stumped. I have a title page on the 1st page, and a table of contents on the 2nd. I want a header starting on page three (and going forward)

I've tried playing with Page Setup within the header, but I must be doing something wrong. Word only will allow me to have a header commencing on page two (the TOC page). I've done this before, but I must have forgotten an obvious step

Please help. How can I instruct Word to only show the header on page 3 going forward



Go to the end of page 2. Insert a new page section break. You can set up the
headers and footers for each section independently: a) on File > Page Setup:
Layout - use the Apply To selection. b) When editing headers and footers,
check/uncheck the Link to Previous button on the Headers and Footers

Pleasehelpme said:

I have Word 2002, and I'm stumped. I have a title page on the 1st page,
and a table of contents on the 2nd. I want a header starting on page three
(and going forward).
I've tried playing with Page Setup within the header, but I must be doing
something wrong. Word only will allow me to have a header commencing on
page two (the TOC page). I've done this before, but I must have forgotten
an obvious step.



I must be very dense, but I couldn't exactly understand your instructions

I tried inserting a section break after Page 2, but I'm left with either the footer appearing on every page except Page one, or appearing on every page EXCEPT for Page 3

If you (or someone else) can clarify exactly how to partition the document so that the header only appears on Page 3 going forward, I'd really appreciate it



To clarify

I inserted a "Continuous" Section Break after Page 2

On page 3, I inserted a header

When I view headers, I see Page 1's header labelled as, "First Page Header - Section 1". Page 2's header says, "Header - Section 1", and Page 3's header as "Header - Section 2". Every header on subsequent pages is "Header - Section 2"

BUT the header I created appears on Page 2, 3, etc


Dayo Mitchell

You didn't follow Jezebel's directions.... Delete the continuous break and
Insert a New Page Section Break after page 2.

That will give you "Header--Section 1" on the first 2 pages, and "Header
Section 2" on page 3 and pages after.

With the cursor in Section 2, toggle off the Same as Previous icon in the
header/footer toolbar.

Then put the cursor in Section 1, go to File | Page Setup, Layout tab, and
uncheck the "Different First Page" box, you don't need it for what you want.

See also:


Charles Kenyon

See and You may also want to look at

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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Pleasehelpme said:

I have Word 2002, and I'm stumped. I have a title page on the 1st page,
and a table of contents on the 2nd. I want a header starting on page three
(and going forward).
I've tried playing with Page Setup within the header, but I must be doing
something wrong. Word only will allow me to have a header commencing on
page two (the TOC page). I've done this before, but I must have forgotten
an obvious step.


Thanks for the reply - I got it now

I didn't realize that the "same as previous" button meant anything. I toggled it off, remove the "different as 1st page" in section 1, and I'm good to go

Thank you.

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