K said:
I have a form which is displayed at start up as the default. I am
the only person who accesses the underlying tables and queries;
data enterers just need the form. I am running Access 2000.
I would like the form to start in maximized form (i.e. take up the
whole Access window). If I maximize the form, this isn't
"remembered" next time the database is opened, and I can't see a
setting "start as maxmized".
The short answer to this is, in your design view of your form, open the
form properties window (a quick way to do this is to double click on
that little square in the upper left hand corner of the form design view
or click on the same square and press alt-enter). Click on the "Event"
tab. Then click on the "On Activate" property and click the builder
button (the little button with three dots to the right) and choose "Code
Builder". This opens the visual basic part of access. You will see
your cursor is in between something like:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Type in the following between these two lines so that it looks like:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
And this will do what you want.
HOWEVER, If you have data entry people using this, you may also want to
click on the Tools menu, and select "Startup...". This opens a
screen/window in which you can turn off the "Display database window"
property. This way, users turning your application on, won't have the
option to look at the forms, etc. When you want to get at those items,
hold your shift key down when you start your application.
There are more complicated ways to do this sort of thing to make the
database window totally inaccessible, but the above should do for you
for now, I think.
Also, it appears you have multiple users going into your application.
The best way to avoid problems is to have your application set up so
that your tables are in a separate mdb on the server somewhere and you
have a separate mdb as your application that LINKS to the tables on the
server "back end". You must then have your users put a copy of your
application on their own computers. This is called splitting the mdb
and if you google this on this newsgroup (cdma), you will see enormous
numbers of posts from experienced Access people admonishing posters who
have a single mdb on the server that everyone uses! 8)