I'm developing a script to do some file system-related house cleaning prior
to opening a database. The file task being to start Access and crank up the
database. Obviously, its not working. I've tried...
strLocalFrontEnd = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All
Users\\Documents\\Trailer Management and Manifest Front End.mdb"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshShell.run strLocalFrontEnd 'Returns error -2147024894
Set wshShell = Nothing
wshShell.run "msaccess.exe" 'Successfully opens the database
wshShell.run "msaccess.exe " & strLocalFrontEnd 'Starts access, but views
the path to the front end as being comprised of command line switches
to opening a database. The file task being to start Access and crank up the
database. Obviously, its not working. I've tried...
strLocalFrontEnd = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All
Users\\Documents\\Trailer Management and Manifest Front End.mdb"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshShell.run strLocalFrontEnd 'Returns error -2147024894
Set wshShell = Nothing
wshShell.run "msaccess.exe" 'Successfully opens the database
wshShell.run "msaccess.exe " & strLocalFrontEnd 'Starts access, but views
the path to the front end as being comprised of command line switches