I've got a table (tbl_Offer) which is filled using a form
(frm_Intake). What I was thinking now is how to help users open
specific records and make new records. My idea is to use a start form
(frm_Start). The form which does nothing else then either open the
main form with a specific record displayed (users picked the one from
a combo box) or open the main form with an empty record set to make a
new intake.
The table (tbl_Offer) to which the main form (frm_Intake) is attached
has, besides the primary key, a unique number (str_NrIntake).
What I did is:
Make form frm_Start. Use the drop down wizard: "I want the combo box
to look up the values in a table or query). I selected the box to be
linked to tbl_Offer. From tbl_Offer I selected str_NrIntake, str_Name
and str_Project to be displayed to help the user select the correct
form. I sorted on str_NrIntake, decending. I hide the key. Then i said
"Remember this value for later use" creating an unbound box.
The I made a command button, using the wizzard again, Form Operations -
When I execute this, a form is opened with apparently only a single
record (in navigation below only 1 nr), but empty.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
(frm_Intake). What I was thinking now is how to help users open
specific records and make new records. My idea is to use a start form
(frm_Start). The form which does nothing else then either open the
main form with a specific record displayed (users picked the one from
a combo box) or open the main form with an empty record set to make a
new intake.
The table (tbl_Offer) to which the main form (frm_Intake) is attached
has, besides the primary key, a unique number (str_NrIntake).
What I did is:
Make form frm_Start. Use the drop down wizard: "I want the combo box
to look up the values in a table or query). I selected the box to be
linked to tbl_Offer. From tbl_Offer I selected str_NrIntake, str_Name
and str_Project to be displayed to help the user select the correct
form. I sorted on str_NrIntake, decending. I hide the key. Then i said
"Remember this value for later use" creating an unbound box.
The I made a command button, using the wizzard again, Form Operations -
data to display ". I matched ComboBoxName with str_NrIntake.open form. Select frm_Intake and said: "Open form and find specific
When I execute this, a form is opened with apparently only a single
record (in navigation below only 1 nr), but empty.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?