Neil Jones
I have a disk from an old machine which were trashed. The disk is:
"20 GB - Seagate Model ST320014A".
I pulled the disks out a longtime ago. Now I want to retrieve the data
on this disk. Where do I start?
I got rid of all my desktop systems at home for about 3 years now and my
main computer is a laptop. With this in mind, how do I power the disk,
read/retrieve the disk contents? What kind of tools do I need?
Thank you in advance for any help.
I have a disk from an old machine which were trashed. The disk is:
"20 GB - Seagate Model ST320014A".
I pulled the disks out a longtime ago. Now I want to retrieve the data
on this disk. Where do I start?
I got rid of all my desktop systems at home for about 3 years now and my
main computer is a laptop. With this in mind, how do I power the disk,
read/retrieve the disk contents? What kind of tools do I need?
Thank you in advance for any help.