start up

Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Have problem when turning on P C every time i switch on have lost everything even if saved all history dssapeared its like the very first time you switch on programs are there nothing in them open real player nothing there. totatally lost all outlook express i know every thing on PC got a virus of some sort run spy doctor and addaware tried de frag nothing have broadband use windows xp when I switch on the screen says welcome to exploror 7 cutomize your settings help

Thank you for your post.

This is a interisting one I have not heard of this before all that I can say is it could be a virus of some sort doing this please download avast home edtion run both scan in windows boot up scan as well. I would also remove spyware doctor as I think its not a very good programe for checking for spyware.

How old is this computer? how old is the hard drive?

I hope this helps.
