J jamie85 Feb 3, 2004 #1 Is there a way i can create a screenshot that appers for 3 seconds whe i open up my spreadsheet
B Bob Phillips Feb 3, 2004 #2 Jamie, Build yourself a userform, and in its activate event, use OnTime to forward schedule a macro that closes the form down. -- HTH Bob Phillips ... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Jamie, Build yourself a userform, and in its activate event, use OnTime to forward schedule a macro that closes the form down. -- HTH Bob Phillips ... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
T Tom Ogilvy Feb 3, 2004 #3 http://j-walk.com/ss/excel/tips/tip39.htm Create a Splash Screen at John Walkenbach's site
J jpendegraft Feb 3, 2004 #4 Commonly called a "Splash Screen" This will require a few steps: 1) Design a Userform that you want to appear (let's say it is calle UserForm1) 2) Code the UserForm to open upon opening the workbook. This wil need to be done in the "This Workbook" part. Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub 3) Code the timing after it opens Private Sub UserForm1_Activate() Application.OnTime Now + _ TimeValue("00:00:03"), "KillTheForm" End Sub 4) Code the "Kill the form" module that you call in the las procedure... Private Sub Killthe Form() Unload Userform1 End Su
Commonly called a "Splash Screen" This will require a few steps: 1) Design a Userform that you want to appear (let's say it is calle UserForm1) 2) Code the UserForm to open upon opening the workbook. This wil need to be done in the "This Workbook" part. Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub 3) Code the timing after it opens Private Sub UserForm1_Activate() Application.OnTime Now + _ TimeValue("00:00:03"), "KillTheForm" End Sub 4) Code the "Kill the form" module that you call in the las procedure... Private Sub Killthe Form() Unload Userform1 End Su
S ste mac Feb 4, 2004 #5 Jamie: I have a splash screen that may be what you need, l will email it to you..no problem... seeya ste
Jamie: I have a splash screen that may be what you need, l will email it to you..no problem... seeya ste