Start up Problem



I added an additional hard drive to my pc and installed xp
on it, then I removed it. I don't know if this caused my
problem or not. But now when I start my pc, just before
windows xp starts up I get a message on black screen that
says InvalidBoot.ini\
Boot from C:\windows
And Windows XP doesn't show to be my default OS. In setup
it does not show any operating systems to choose from.
Can anyone help? Thank You

bosse engborg

i am not sure this would fix it,
but to put in the windows xp cd,
and change to "boot from cd" in bios,
and first run the repair or eventually the
new full install,

or put the harddisc back in and change
or erase the boot ini file,

the microsoft pages should be of some help i think,
or other things on the net,

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