Start Up Problem



When I turn on my computer a full screen comes on (not a small pop up
message), titled "COMMON" In the Address Bar the address is shown as:


There is a folder shown in the main body labeled Common.

I do not know why this screen shows each time I turn on the computer and
don't know what it means. I "X" it out and continue on my way, but it is

Would appreciate any solution to this problem. I do not recall doing
anything that would have created this.



ron said:
When I turn on my computer a full screen comes on (not a small pop up
message), titled "COMMON" In the Address Bar the address is shown as:


There is a folder shown in the main body labeled Common.

I do not know why this screen shows each time I turn on the computer and
don't know what it means. I "X" it out and continue on my way, but it is

Would appreciate any solution to this problem. I do not recall doing
anything that would have created this.


Look for a reference to that folder in Msconfig's StartUp tab, or run
Regedit and look for references to that folder. There should be a Run
entry that's got a damaged command line to a file in that folder.
They're easy to find, but it's hard to explain..


ron said:

Have tried your suggestions with no luck. Any other ideas?


Look in the Start Menu's Startup folder and see if it's there.

Run Regedit again, press Home key, press F3, type
ASMS\6000\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON and search for that portion.

Run sysedit and see if the path is mentioned in anything there.


I found a reference in the MSCONFIG Start Up folder. Disabled it and the
screen did not pop up again, but a message stating the computer was running
in diagnostic mode popped up. I can disable that so it won't happen. However,
you can expand the view in the Start Up folder and found the following after
the message I posted originally: C:\I386\ASMS\6000\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON"

My computer, both of them, are set to "Never Dial a Connection". At one time
the affected computer did have AOL listed.

I was in a Chat Room with an AOL technician to see if they could solve the
problem. That was useless.

Now it seems the options are to start in diagnostic mode or start with the
"Common" message every time I start. It would seem that you should be able to
get rid of the "Files\AOL\ACS\AOL DIAL.EXE".

It gets more frustrating by the day. Thanks for your help.



ron said:
I found a reference in the MSCONFIG Start Up folder. Disabled it and the
screen did not pop up again, but a message stating the computer was running
in diagnostic mode popped up. I can disable that so it won't happen. However,
you can expand the view in the Start Up folder and found the following after
the message I posted originally: C:\I386\ASMS\6000\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON"

"C:\I386\ASMS\6000\MSFT\WINDOWS\COMMON" is a folder and

"C:\Program Files\AOL\ACS\AOL" can be another folder, thouh I don't have
the folders "\ACS\AOL" (nor do I have AOL on the machine). If an AOL
file was yo be loaded, it _might_ use the the command line:

"C:\Program Files\AOL\ACS\AOL\DIAL.EXE"

So it looks like a damaged install joined the two into one mess. I
would either find the damaged entries in regedit, Startup folder of
Start Menu, one of the files in Sysedit, or just deselect the entry in
msconfig and check the box to not be alerted again. Maybe reinstall AOL
afterwards, but that one bizarre command needs to be fixed or deleted.



Last night and again this morning I tried to unstall AOL with the thought
that that might solve the problem. In the ADD/Remove programs they have an
AOL Uninstall and when you select that it starts searching for all of hte AOL
programs on the computer. After "searching" for about an hour nothing
happened. I checked the computer that I am on now and in the Startup programs
there are two Aol references. One is AOL Dial.exe and the other is AOL
Software with the same extensions shown attached to the Common files I
refereced earlier. It seems that because there are no programs for the AOL
Uninstaller to locate the process cannot take place.

I suppose the only thing to do now is to disable the Common file in Startup
and run in diagnostic mode.

I am not very savvy in these things but you would think you could edit the
entries in the Startup section. Do you think it would be worthwhile to try
and install the AOL software again, over top of what is there, to see if that
might somehow help?

Thanks for your continuing interest.


ron said:
Last night and again this morning I tried to unstall AOL with the thought
that that might solve the problem. In the ADD/Remove programs they have an
AOL Uninstall and when you select that it starts searching for all of hte AOL
programs on the computer. After "searching" for about an hour nothing
happened. I checked the computer that I am on now and in the Startup programs
there are two Aol references. One is AOL Dial.exe and the other is AOL
Software with the same extensions shown attached to the Common files I
referenced earlier. It seems that because there are no programs for the AOL
Uninstaller to locate the process cannot take place.

I suppose the only thing to do now is to disable the Common file in Startup
and run in diagnostic mode.

I am not very savvy in these things but you would think you could edit the
entries in the Startup section. Do you think it would be worthwhile to try
and install the AOL software again, over top of what is there, to see if that
might somehow help?

Thanks for your continuing interest.

Since you can't find the folders mentioned in the registry, just search
the registry for dial.exe and report back with any entry found. Also
look for ASMS\6000\MSFT\WINDOWS. You need to find out where they're
loaded during Startup. MSCONFIG's Startup tab might mention whether
they're registry entries (H_KEY) or something else helpful.

Running Msconfig in Diagnostic Mode is no big deal.. I've had about ten
applications turned off there for years.

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