Are you nuts?? Scroll down his response and you'll see the original post.
Maybe YOU have a problem?
The Unknown P said:
If you are using XP then simply turn the firewall on and it's always on. If
you have SP2 installed then the firewall is even more configurable. Go into
the security center in your control panel to set the options you want. There
is no need to waste your money on a third party firewall. The one in XP was
designed for XP and so works very well. As far as what apps start first it
really doesn't matter all that much as there is mere microseconds between
initiations of apps on the startup list. {]:~)
You (STILL!) never have learned to reply with the previous post still in your
message bodies. Very ineffective, if you're trying to give help, since no-one
can figure out WTF you're on about!