Start Up Issue Now

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I dont know why it just started happening recently and
ive tryed reinstalling many a times. When I start up
GcasHost.exe or w/e pops up its a little box containing
many controls like hide icon show icon and etc. It stays
up and if I close this MS antispyware shuts down. Anyone
know what this is about?
I don't think we have a gcashost.exe included in the product. Can you verify
the executable name for me?


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security

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Ok I got the exact name of the pop up part of program on
boot up. GcasDTServHolder. It is the part of program that
comes up with the options:
sys tray hide
sys tray show
sys tray normal
sys tray scanning
sys tray updating

Those are whats on the tiny window labled gcasDtServ
Ok.. that makes more since ;) that is a known issue with a confusing box
with that information in it. You can go ahead and close the box for now. We
are working on a fix for this issue in a future release.


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security

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ok ty its just on start up so I guess ill just reopen
when it closes when i close box till you issue a fix. tyvm