Start Up - Aftermath of virus removal



After removing a virus from my system, the guilty file seems to be required
in the Start Up files. How do I know if it is really required (clean that is)
The item in question was in ;
C:\WINDOWS\system32\myibbxlbn\crss.exe (now deleted)

If it is required, how do I replace it?

Many thanks,



The McAfee report said ;
"Found the W32/Generic.m virus The file has been deleted"


Bert Kinney

Crss.exe was the virus file. Windows is trying to load it but can not
find it. You will first have to find where is it loading from. Go to
Start - Run and type Msconfig then press enter. On the Startup tab
look for the Command that contains crss.exe then look at it's
Location. This will tell you where it is loading from. Then the
loading sequence can be eliminated. Post the location if you need help
in removing it.


Thanks Bert, I should have posted the location as you suggested, but in my
bravery mode I located them in the registry and deleted them ..silly..took me
another day to get my system back as this caused a fatal error. Anyway I was
able to load the "Last known good configuration" and everything seems to
appear perfectly normal now. There is just one reference in the start up
file to the crss.exe, but it doesn't present any problems.
Thanks again,



Hi Bert, the location is "start up" in the msconfig,

I have been trying to clean up my system from old programmes that are still
left in the registry. I don't know why that is, when I use the uninstall
programmes to be rid of them.



Hi Bert, Interestingly enoguh, between the time of the last post and this
one, I purchased Registry Mechanic, and cleaned the registry. Took a look for
the location, and it does not appear anywhere.

Manh thanks for your help.


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