Start time / stop time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark S
  • Start date Start date

Mark S

Need a start time & stop time in a table and on a form, but need to
include date because in certain instances it may go beyond a day or
two. Seems to me the best way to do this is with a single date/time
field for start and stop. Problem is on the form I would like it user
friendly with date and time appearing to be separate fields and the
date automatically populating with current date. Probably don't even
want the date as a tab stop.

On the data entry form, I am guessing I would sum the date and time
entries then put it into the start time field. Any suggestions or
warnings on doing this?

On the data read/update form, split the date and time and allow for
updates similar to the data entry form. Any suggestions or warnings
on doing this?

Or would it be better to just break this down into four separate
fields? I am assuming two fields would be easier when getting around
to doing datediff (by time) functions.

Thanks for any suggestions.
You are correct: combining the date and time into a single field is much
more efficient for most calculations.

If this is for a single-view form (not Continuous or Datasheet view), you
can use two unbound text boxes for the StartDateTime field. Use the Current
event of the form to populate them:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.StartDateTime) Then
Me.txtStartDate = Null
Me.txtStartTime = Null
Me.txtStartDate = DateValue(Me.StartDateTime)
Me.txtStartTime = TimeValue(Me.StartDateTime)
End If
'Same for EndDateTime
End Sub

Use the AfterUpdate event of the text boxes to combine the value and assign
to the field:
Me.StartDateTime = Me.txtStartDate + Me.txtStartTime

Use the Undo event of the form to reset the text boxes, based on the
OldValue of the field.
If I understand your question correctly, you need a start time and a stop
time. These times you want to show as just times ie: 11:57:45 PM (or
whatever format). The times could span dates, so you want to include the
date in the database field the date and time, but you do want the date shown
in a different text box on the form. Now, one way would be to have two
invisible controls - one for start time and one for stop time. These would
be the bound fields. Then, you need four unbound text boxes - Start Date,
Start Time, Stop Date, and Stop Time. You would then have to put some code
in your form to fill in the visible fields (probably in the On Current for
the form) and some to put the correct values in the invisible controls when
you change values in the unbound controls (Maybe in the Form Before Update.)