I do not know your skill-level, so try this...
'[--- START of Time_card.VBS ---]
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WSHShell, msg, MyBox, j
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Run your "time card" program
' just copy the "Target:" of the shortcut
' to your Time_card_Program.EXE
' to the .run line as follows...
' WshShell.Run ("C:\Path\to\your\Time_card_Program.exe /switches_if_any")
WshShell.Run ("<---copy-of-shortcut-Target:--->")
'<-- START of OPTIONAL Alert Box -->
'-- Output message for dialog box
msg = "1. Do something" & vbCR
msg = msg & "2. ---Do something else---" & vbCR
' Either delete previous line or copy line,
' and/or modify "---Do something else---"
j = "Time card Program"
MyBox = MsgBox (msg, 0, j)
'<-- END of OPTIONAL Alert Box -->
Set WshShell = Nothing
'[--- END of Time_card.VBS ---]
| Yes it is.
| Do you have an example of a batch file that I can use?
| Thanks.
| >-----Original Message-----
| > In XP Professional, you can automatically run scripts
| at Startup, Logon, Logoff, and at Shutdown. Logon
| scripts run when the local
| >user logs on locally to the computer, but do not run
| when the user logs on to the domain.
| >| I know how to get the program to start up when the
| computer is turned on.
| > Is this via a shortcut (to that program ) in the
| Startup folder of each user account?
| >--
| >Jan
| >----------
| >
| >| Hi All.
| >| I have a "time card" program that we will be using to
| let
| >| employees clock in and out from thier workstations.
| >| I know how to get the program to start up when the
| >| computer is turned on. But how do I get the program to
| >| start when the user tries to shut the computer down?
| >| I want the program to start when the user shuts down
| >| because, as you can imagine, some will forget to clock
| >| out if not prompted by the computer.
| >| Thanks.
| >| Damon