Start menu



With increasing regularity, the Start menu suddenly appears and freezes or
closes whatever program I am in. Only msn messenger appears "strong" enough
to withstand it and remain unaffected. Help please anyone?


Havit69 said:
With increasing regularity, the Start menu suddenly appears and freezes or
closes whatever program I am in. Only msn messenger appears "strong" enough
to withstand it and remain unaffected. Help please anyone?

This could be caused by almost anything. I'd start by trying a different
mouse or, if you're using a wireless mouse change the batteries.

If a different mouse/new batteries doesn't help, start troubleshooting
by answering:

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:

After you've gone through the above troubleshooting, if you need more
help then please post back with results. These links will show you what
details to include in your next post: - How to Ask a Question


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