Start Menu on Limited Account



I have two limited accounts on my system - one for my wife and another for
my 9 year old daughter.

I'd like to modify the Start menu for each of these users. Initially my idea
was to make the Start menu as simple as possible, with only a few choices on
it, but after realizing that I didn't know how to change the menu items I
now don't want my daughter having access to any System Maintenance functions
(including Tweak UI) that could potentially damage my system if she plays
around with them.

I can't seem to delete any items from the Start Menu unless I'm logged in as
an Administrator and I don't want these changes to be system wide, but
rather for specific users only.

Can anyone offer any information? Thanks in advance.

Shenan Stanley

!Sparky said:
I have two limited accounts on my system - one for my wife and
another for my 9 year old daughter.

I'd like to modify the Start menu for each of these users. Initially
my idea was to make the Start menu as simple as possible, with only a
few choices on it, but after realizing that I didn't know how to
change the menu items I now don't want my daughter having access to
any System Maintenance functions (including Tweak UI) that could
potentially damage my system if she plays around with them.

I can't seem to delete any items from the Start Menu unless I'm
logged in as an Administrator and I don't want these changes to be
system wide, but rather for specific users only.

Can anyone offer any information? Thanks in advance.


C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME

Put anything you want everyone to see in the "ALL USERS" start menu.
Put anything you want for the individual users in their corresponding Start
Menu folders.

Essentially, you may (if you want your wife and yourself to have some things
the same and your child not to have some of that) have duplicate copies in
different Start Menu areas.

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