Sometimes when I click on the Start Menu it won't open. It flashes, but just
plays dead. I have to reboot to get it back to normal. It will work for a
few hours, or about a day, then dead again. I can use the windows key on my
keyboard for shortcuts (i.e. win + r for run), but that's a pain. Also,
sometimes some of the links inside the Start Menu won't work (such as the
help and run). I can also right click for its menu.
plays dead. I have to reboot to get it back to normal. It will work for a
few hours, or about a day, then dead again. I can use the windows key on my
keyboard for shortcuts (i.e. win + r for run), but that's a pain. Also,
sometimes some of the links inside the Start Menu won't work (such as the
help and run). I can also right click for its menu.