Start Menu, "Explore" question

  • Thread starter Thread starter RKraus
  • Start date Start date
RKraus said:
How can I set up a shortcut on my desktop for the Explore option
from the Start menu?

Assuming I understand your question...

1. Right-click an empty area of the desktop and choose New -->Shortcut. A
"Create Shortcut" dialogue box will appear.

2. In the command line box insert this line:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\

Change the c:\ in the line above to the directory you wish to open. As an
example if you had a folder named data in c:\ you would change the line to:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\data

3. Click Next.

4. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.
How can I set up a shortcut on my desktop for the Explore option from the
Start menu?

Explore function = My Computer icon = shortcut (LNK file) to
c:\windows\EXPLORER.EXE. An extra icon/shortcut may be
added in any standard way (e.g. highlight, right click, and
"Send to . . . Desktop as link.")
RKraus said:
How can I set up a shortcut on my desktop for the Explore option from
the Start menu?

You might discover you like keyboard shortcuts even better than desktop
shortcuts. Try:

Windows Key + E
Daave said:
You might discover you like keyboard shortcuts even better than desktop
shortcuts. Try:

Windows Key + E

But WindowsKey+E explores "My Computer"

The "Explore" on the task bar's "Start" button's context menu explores
the user's Start menu at "%homedrive%%homepath%\Start Menu". One place
that lists windows environmental variables (%homepath%, %homedrive%
%systemdirectory% etc) is . The
Windows environmental variables make the command line in your shortcuts
portable so they can be used by other users on your computer or other

Note that you can organize the shortcuts on your start menu the same way
you can organize other files. The folders produce flyouts on your start
menu instead of a long list that requires scrolling to use.

Note that when you use the "Start" menu shortcuts and folders in the
"All Users\Start Menu" will be added to the available shortcuts.
Shenan said:
Assuming I understand your question...

1. Right-click an empty area of the desktop and choose New -->Shortcut. A
"Create Shortcut" dialogue box will appear.

2. In the command line box insert this line:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\

Change the c:\ in the line above to the directory you wish to open. As an
example if you had a folder named data in c:\ you would change the line to:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\data

For the individual "Start" menu for your user account try:

Substitute "%homedrive%%homepath%\start menu" in place of "C\data" AND
enclose the path in double quotes (necessary when a path includes spaces)
3. Click Next.

4. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

If you can spare the space on your task bar you would be able to access
the new shortcut with fewer mouse clicks if you activate the Quicklaunch
tool bar and place your new shortcut on it. The problem with shortcuts
on the desktop is that often you have to move or minimize application
windows that are blocking your access to the shortcut.