I have seen this same problem before.
When I set up a Vista machine, the first thing I do is to remove the 'Lock'
button from the Start Menu because it is redundant since you can simply
press WINKEY+L to do the same thing. This keeps everything nice and tidy and
prevents the problem with the arrow not being displayed properly.
Remove the Vista Start Menu Lock Button and the 'Lock' menu item on the
flyout menu.
Go to Start and type regedit.exe in the Search Box. In the results, right
click regedit.exe and select the Run As Administrator option.
Navigate to the following location:
In the right side pane, right click and select New / DWord (32bit) Value.
Rename the value to DisableLockWorkStation (case sensitive)
Right click this new value and select Modify.
In the Value Data box, enter the number 1 (one).
Click OK.
Exit the registry editor and reboot the computer.