How do I get the CLSID?
explorer [/n] [/e][,/root,object][[,/select],subobject]
None Explorer rooted at the Desktop
/n Opens a new window.
/e Explorer View (default if nothing else is on the command line.)
/root,object Starts Explorer with object the top item (normally
Desktop is the top item). Eg: explorer /e,/root,c:\Starts Explorer with the
C drive as the only drive available.
/select,subobject Selects the specified subobject.
Replaceable parameters are %1 (one) which is the short file or folder name
and %l (L) which is the long file name.
This is an additional parameter that means a Windows internal structure is
being passed. eg:
Explorer.exe /e,/idlist,%I
The %I is a replacable parameter representing an IDLIST.
Rooted Views
To open an explorer item that starts with a special folder as the top folder
use the following syntax.
Where the special folder is a sub folder of the desktop
explorer /e,root,::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is a sub folder of another special folder (usually,
if not always My Computer)
explorer /e,root,::{CLSID of parent}/::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is part of the file system
explorer /e,root,path to folder
See Namespaces on the Icons Page for a list of CLSIDs for special folders.
Note that /select is inconsistent. Sometime the / is required, sometimes it
should be left out, and sometimes it doesn't matter.
Starts explorer with the Windows folder opened and selected.
explorer /e,select,c:\windows
Starts explorer with Windows the top level folder and command opened and
explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,select,c:\windows\command
Starts explorer with Windows the top level folder and Tips.txt showing
instead of the file listing.
explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,select,c:\windows\tips.txt
Starts explorer with My Computer the top level folder and all branches
except for drives collapsed.
explorer /e,/root,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}
Starts explorer with C:\ the top level folder.
explorer /e,/root,c:\
Starts the Dial Up Networking folder in folder view.
David Candy
Mark Carbaugh said:
I am trying to get a windows explorer short cut to open at My Computer I
have tried many things the closest I've come is with %SystemRoot% but it
expands My documents instead of My Computer. Can anyone help with this?
Thanks Mark