Start..All Programs...then what?



Hi all,

Any help here would be appreciated.

How do I access a program through the Start..All Programs ....****** menu
when my program list page is full and I cant see any program other than those
that begin with any letter from A to S?

Is the search function my only option?


Wesley Vogel

With the Classic Start Menu, both of these need to be UNChecked.
XP Start Menu doesn't have Use Personalized Menus option.

XP Start Menu >>
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button | Advanced tab |
Scroll down to and UNCheck:
Scroll Programs * |
Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

Classic Start Menu >>
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button |
Scroll down to and UNCheck both of these:
Scroll Programs * |
Use Personalized Menus **
Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

[*Specifies whether to display the items on the Programs menu as one long
scrolling menu or as horizontal pages. Depending on your screen resolution,
if you have more than 29 or 38 programs installed, and you select to have
one long scrolling menu, you can access the programs you don’t see
by clicking the arrow at each end of the list of programs.]

[**Specifies whether to turn on Personalized Menus.
Personalized Menus keeps the Programs menu clean by hiding items you haven't
used recently, while still keeping other programs easily accessible. You
can gain access to hidden programs by clicking the down arrow at the bottom
of the Programs menu.]

"Use Personalized Menus" Option in Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Has No
Effect on Internet Explorer Favorites Menu

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



My preference is as Wesley mentioned:
Right click the Start button, select Properties then select the Start Menu
Click on the Customize button, select the Advanced tab
Next scroll down to and de-select (not checked) the Scroll Programs option.
Then click the OK button, next click the Apply button, then click OK.

After you have set the menu to operate in this mode you can click on a menu
item and drag it up or down to a preferred location in the list.


Wesley Vogel

Keep having fun, Jack. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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