I've written a windows service in vb.net, which works very well. The
service is installed on my server, but now I would like to be able to
start/stop it from any machine on the network.
I know the command sc.exe but unfortunately it does not prompt for
Username/Password, and those are required otherwise I'll always get the
message 'Access denied'. Unless I can bypass authentication to start a
windows service ?
Can you help ?
I've written a windows service in vb.net, which works very well. The
service is installed on my server, but now I would like to be able to
start/stop it from any machine on the network.
I know the command sc.exe but unfortunately it does not prompt for
Username/Password, and those are required otherwise I'll always get the
message 'Access denied'. Unless I can bypass authentication to start a
windows service ?
Can you help ?