Star Wars Battlefront VR Mission


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I downloaded the free Star Wars Battlefront VR mission last night (for PS4 & PSVR) and wow is is good :D.

It's only a 15-20 minute game teaser that you get for free if you already own Star Wars Battlefront and a PSVR headset, but I assume they're using it to test how popular a full Star Wars VR game may be. Judging from this mini-game, it could be amazing :thumb:.

Remember the old X-Wing game for PC many years ago? It's basically that, but with great graphics and all in 3D. So... much... fun! If they manage to get a full game out of this, I'll be snapping it up. Especially as the move controllers are perfect for lightsabers.
Ah I saw JackFrags did a video of that, was going to ask you if you'd got/tried it. :)

Just played a little more tonight, it's so much fun :D. It's a great demo of what the PSVR headset can do - I'd suggest that this demo is a must-try if you're testing one out.
My GF's nephew's getting one for Xmas, will point him in the direction of this, and maybe have a go myself! :D
Maybe?!?! Of course you will :lol:

I think you'll like it!
Ok, i might have a go. If I can get a go that is, he's 12 so will have to show me how to use it first. :lol:
Just remember to let your nephew have an occasional go too :lol:
No, they're still waiting for it! On back order apparently. He was not amused lol.
Oh dear, that's not great! Did Santa have to give him an IOU?! :eek:
Yeah he isn't very happy, he went back to school yesterday and was hoping to be able to tell all his friends what he got!

Its from Amazon, apparently he's still waiting for the move controllers too.
Poor kid, that sucks. Although, to be fair, it doesn't suck that much - he's still lucky to be getting such an expensive and awesome present!

Book in a visit for when he finally gets it ;)
The PSVR has landed. We have been summoned. They also have profiterole cake. :lol:
Wow, not sure which I'd be more excited about! :drool:

What did you think?
Well. I had a go on a few different demos he had....

- Job sim - Good, silly fun.
- DriveClub VR, Not bad, I like racing games so this interested me, It was ok, nothing ground breaking, kinda cool if you like that sort of thing.
- Until Dawn: Rush of Blood - Loved this! On a ghost train with stuff jumping out at you and you having to shoot anything that moves! :D
- The London Heist - This was good too, a shooting range type of thing, accuracy was a bit hit and miss though, but maybe it needed calibrating or something.
- Can't remember the name but the one with the shark in the dive cage was really good too, probably the most immersive one I tried.

...and a couple of others that I can't remember names of.

Sadly the SWBF demo needs the full game to play it, but I might get it for him as its only £12 at the mo, then I can try it! :D

Overall I liked it, but I'd not buy one yet. In the future though? Quite possibly! :thumb:
Glad to hear you enjoyed it :) When my step-dad came up to stay before Christmas he had a go on The London Heist - specifically the shooting range (not the rest) and he did amazingly well! So much so that we now suspect that he may be a secret gangster :lol:

The Batman game is also well worth playing, if your nephew needs any other recommendations.

I think you'd like the Vive over the PS VR as the tracking and accuracy is far better :nod:
Ah yes that Batman game looked good, I'd like to give that one a go. :)

I was wondering about the Vive over the PSVR, It would be interesting to try the Vive just for the sake of comparison. Did you guys have a Vive, or you've tried one?

Also, I want to try Resident Evil 7, that looks like it should be good. But he doesn't like the scary stuff, he couldn't watch the TV when I was playing Rush of Blood. haha.
Our mate @Naylor has a Vive and it's awesome :D We've had a go a few times. The stand out difference is that the tracking on the Vive is exceptionally good, but the PS VR has other advantages - it's more comfortable to wear and better value for money (but less so if you've already got a capable PC and don't have a PS4).
Ah yeah, I've just been re reading his thread on the Vive. Its all quite interesting, I was a bit sceptical at first but now having tried it I can see the appeal. :)