I have set Security Auditing on Win2k Server. I want to see Sucessful and Failed logon attemps, Privilage use and a couple other things. When I checked the log today, it showed many failed attemps to logon and the user name was Server$ (the name of my server followed by a $). There were also some failed attemps to logon by one of the clients. Same thing, Client$ was the user name. However, after a couple dozen failed attempts, Server$ was successfully added as a user and then given privilages. I am fairly certain this was after all users had logged off. Some of the clients are set to shutdown and restart, but all users are restricted from logon at the time this was occurring. Could this be coming from our internet connection? Several of the events showed a Client Address of Could this be spoofed? We are not hosting any services on our LAN. I do not have any ports open on the router (that I know of). Is this just normal activity from the system?