'Francis Marsden' wrote:
| Is the standby mode only for notebook comps, or is it okay to use it for a
| desktop?
Certainly you can use standby mode with desktops and Windows XP. Use 'Power
Options' in 'Control Panel' to configure when Standby and Hibernate are
Hibernate might be a better choice for a desktop system without an
uninterruptible power supply, depending on how long you are willing to wait
to start programs after pressing the front panel power button (a notebook's
battery can maintain Standby for a long time, a desktop without an
uninterruptible power supply will lose memory contents and machine CPU state
if power fails while in 'Standby'. 'Hibernate' requires only that the
system be rebooted but not any of the OS loading; the entire contents of
memory has been saved to hard drive, so only a few seconds are required to
copy the contents back into RAM. The time difference between restarting
from 'Hibernate' is likely to take only 20 seconds or so longer than
restarting from 'Standby'.
The motherboard capabilities and the choices made when installing Windows XP
may affected the availability of some 'Power Options'.
Use the 'Help and Support' search in 'Control Panel' on the word Standby,
then select 'Power Options overview' for an explanation of each power
Phil Weldon
| Is the standby mode only for notebook comps, or is it okay to use it for a
| desktop?