Brad E.
Hi - I have a spreadsheet where a user can enter an integer from 1 to 9.
Depending on the entry, a WorksheetChange() event hides/displays the
immediate 9 rows below the entry.
Case "$A$3" 'Using Select Target.Address
X = Target.Value + 3
With ActiveSheet
For Y = 4 To 12
If Y <= X Then
.Rows(Y).RowHeight = .StandardHeight
.Rows(Y).RowHeight = 0
End If
Next Y
End With 'End Select
Somehow, the .Standard Height is at zero and all 9 rows continually get set
to a height of 0. (.StandardHeight) is a read-only argument, so I am not
sure how this happened. Can anyone help me get this back to the 12.75 that
it should be?
Depending on the entry, a WorksheetChange() event hides/displays the
immediate 9 rows below the entry.
Case "$A$3" 'Using Select Target.Address
X = Target.Value + 3
With ActiveSheet
For Y = 4 To 12
If Y <= X Then
.Rows(Y).RowHeight = .StandardHeight
.Rows(Y).RowHeight = 0
End If
Next Y
End With 'End Select
Somehow, the .Standard Height is at zero and all 9 rows continually get set
to a height of 0. (.StandardHeight) is a read-only argument, so I am not
sure how this happened. Can anyone help me get this back to the 12.75 that
it should be?