Well, I've recently built a new computer and it's good,
but it's stalling in the middle of the install of XP. It
will procede to the point where it's about to start the
hard install and than it will start windows and stall.
I've been pouring myself all over this situation for 2
days and I need any help at all. I don't know what to do
accept cry and pout because it's been nothing more than a
pain in my neck I've tried evertying that I can imagine...
I would truely appreciate it if there were any info they
could give me on what to do.
Btw, my Specs are: 3000+ AMD Athalon XP, Asus A7N8X E-
Deluxe, 512mb Ram, samsung 80gig hd, DVD-ROM, Cd burner,
and the NVidia GeForce 5900 all pieces are compatible.
but it's stalling in the middle of the install of XP. It
will procede to the point where it's about to start the
hard install and than it will start windows and stall.
I've been pouring myself all over this situation for 2
days and I need any help at all. I don't know what to do
accept cry and pout because it's been nothing more than a
pain in my neck I've tried evertying that I can imagine...
I would truely appreciate it if there were any info they
could give me on what to do.
Btw, my Specs are: 3000+ AMD Athalon XP, Asus A7N8X E-
Deluxe, 512mb Ram, samsung 80gig hd, DVD-ROM, Cd burner,
and the NVidia GeForce 5900 all pieces are compatible.