Ionizer said:
A couple of thoughts about your "review" of MP3Gain:
You state that a Mac version "may be coming." It's been available for
over a year: (I
found that link on MP3Gain's own site.)
Here's the quote from the review: "There is also a version for the Mac
and Unix may be coming." As stated, there is also a version for the Mac
and according to the site, Unix may have a version soon.
I note that you (perhaps unknowingly?) cranked up the volume of your mp3
files excessively- all to the point of clipping, and then just left them
that way as if that was the way to properly use the software. And you
didn't even bother to try the "Album Gain" mode, deciding instead to
assume "I'm sure there will be no problem with this aspect of MP3Gain."
Excessive is a matter of opinion, in this case, yours. No problem but I
used it the way I needed to and it worked fabulously! You are also
correct, as stated in the review, in the fact that I didn't try the
album gain and assumed it worked. I do not listen to albums, and if that
particular function didn't work, I'm sure MP3Gain would not only be as
popular as it is, but it wouldn't be on the 2004 pricelessware list
either. Call it a time saver on my part. Whether I used it properly is a
matter of your opinion, but it did exactly what I wanted.
Your review seems superficial at best.
You are correct. I haven't the time to review in depth and since I'm
never getting paid, I don't have to. The review gives a fair idea on how
the program runs and what it does. Download the program as suggested
and give it a go. It costs nothing, and won't harm your system. If you
already have, enjoy!
Cute grandkid, by the way.
He certainly is!
Thanks for the comments.