SSL socket library recommendations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott Gifford
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Scott Gifford


I have a client application which uses a simple TCP Socket object to
do network communications with a remote server, using a custom (non-
HTTP) protocol. The server supports SSL encryption, and I'd like to
modify my client to communicate with the server using SSL.

It looks like there is not a way to do that with builtin .NET
features, but instead it's available from several 3rd parties,
including udaparts, SecureBlackBox, and IP*Works. Can anybody
recommend any of these 3rd party products? In particular, something
that can be dropped in where I'm using a Socket object right now would
be very helpful. udaparts seems to be free, anybody had good luck
with it? Any suggestions for doing this without a 3rd party library?


For Padarn we just ported the Mentalis SSL library over - it admittedly
wasn't a direct drop-in replacement and we had to create a couple wrappers
to give it an exact Socket compatible interface, but it's quite solid.


Chris Tacke, Embedded MVP
OpenNETCF Consulting
Giving back to the embedded community
For Padarn we just ported the Mentalis SSL library over - it admittedly
wasn't a direct drop-in replacement and we had to create a couple wrappers
to give it an exact Socket compatible interface, but it's quite solid.

Ah, thanks for the suggestion, I'm looking at this right now and I've
got something starting to come together.

There's lots of fidgety work involved in the porting; any tips or code
you could share would be very much appreciated.

IMO a ported version of this would be a fantastic addition to

Thanks again!
