I've experienced problems with this two errors.
Appears in file servers. It's a cluster connected to a SAN and there are up
to 900 users working at the same time.
It seems like a server tired after some days working normally. If reboot the
server it can works without problems at least one week.
It's a Pentium Iv Ram:512 Mb.
I suspect of Outlook. Specifically manage of huge .pst files, about 1 or 2 Gb.
Is there anyone who has experienced problems with that kind of files?
I'm monitoring some counters and this is an example:
At 12:17 problems start
% Disk Time of a volume grows to 800% and 1000%.
Pages/sec grows a lot.
Available Memory goes down.
At 12:24 Srv 2019 and Srv 2021 appears.
PerfDisk 2001 appears and there is no data of % Disk Time in Performance
Monitor log.
At 12:34 everything go back to normal state. No problems.
¿Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance,
Juan Carlos López
(e-mail address removed)
I've experienced problems with this two errors.
Appears in file servers. It's a cluster connected to a SAN and there are up
to 900 users working at the same time.
It seems like a server tired after some days working normally. If reboot the
server it can works without problems at least one week.
It's a Pentium Iv Ram:512 Mb.
I suspect of Outlook. Specifically manage of huge .pst files, about 1 or 2 Gb.
Is there anyone who has experienced problems with that kind of files?
I'm monitoring some counters and this is an example:
At 12:17 problems start
% Disk Time of a volume grows to 800% and 1000%.
Pages/sec grows a lot.
Available Memory goes down.
At 12:24 Srv 2019 and Srv 2021 appears.
PerfDisk 2001 appears and there is no data of % Disk Time in Performance
Monitor log.
At 12:34 everything go back to normal state. No problems.
¿Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance,
Juan Carlos López
(e-mail address removed)