Squid Proxy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hindson, Gary
  • Start date Start date

Hindson, Gary

Hi all

I am using Vista on a domain and I am unable to access the internet as I
can't authenticate to the Proxy server.

We are using Squid as the proxy and every other client authenticates fine.
However when the proxy is set for Vista I receive an authentication box
requesting a user name and password. I have tried multiple accounts non of
which work.

Has any one else experienced this or have any ideas on how to fix it?


the proxy settings are configurable in the IE settings just as they were in
but you probally already figured that much out so try this :
when entering in the user names try this different formats
DOMAIN\USERNAME <--------- enter the netbios name for the domain here do not
use the . whatever ie no dot com.

but thats basic stuff u probally already tried so dissable the firewall then
try it.
then disable the UAC thingy that pops up everytime you try to do something
to do this START > RUN > msconfig > tools tab > disable UAC

then if all else fails call microsoft you can do so for free for the first
90 days after purcahse
