

sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I went and saw them Wednesday night at the Hammersmith Apollo.

I've known Glenn Tilbrook for more years than I care to remember, he's a local lad, we're not close but we chat and always seem to turn up at the same places.

Anyways, I was on the guest list so I thought why the hell not, although I must have seen them play a gazillion times before.

It was good, I was surprised to see that since the last time I'd been at the Hammersmith Apollo (then Hammersmith Odeon) they've ripped out all the seats on the ground floor and you can take a beer in there now. I can't remember the last band I saw there, after thinking it was either Rush, Motorhead or John Martyn.

So I was at the after gig booze up and noticed that the two mates I'd travelled there with had disappeared. Gone. vanished. The gits :mad:

Dunno where they went, maybe they pulled, lol

I noticed it was gone midnight so made my way home. I managed to get the last tube train from Hammersmith to the Embankment but Charing Cross Station was shut.

Oh poop. Here I am, Central London, stranded at 1am.

I was looking a little lost and some geezer asked me if I wanted a cab but when I asked him how much he said £40.00. I gave him a two word answer the second word of which was 'off' and the first word began with 'f' :)

So I walked down the Strand, thinking I'd at least head south across the river and maybe get a mini cab.

And then walked across Waterloo Bridge and at the end of the bridge was...... a bus stop :)

Where all the night buses stopped, including the N1 which went right to my home.

Fifteen minutes later I was on my way home for a £2.00 bus fare. Groovy :)

Yep, I know what you're thinking, I've lived here all my life and still don't know how to find my way home :D

Truth is, I think this is the first time since I can remember that I've had to find my way home on me own and without transport. The fact I was three parts gone to the wind with copious amounts of Guinness didn't help either ;)

Still don't know what happened to me two mates, but I'll probably see 'em down the pub tomorrow.

Here's a review of the Tuesday show from the London Evening Standard, I took some pix, I'll resize them in Photshop and add them in another post here, but not sure when. Deffo before Sunday though ;)



  • squeezereview2.webp
    178.3 KB · Views: 238
I love Squeeze. They are one of my favourite bands. I would love to have seen them, but didn't know they were touring.

I have never met another person who likes them - you're the first floppy! I must admit I wondered what this thread would be about when I saw the title because I definitely didn't think it would be the band.

My dad listened to them since I can first remember - especially in the car on tape. But everyone who has heard their music (when I've been listening to it) seems to think it's obscure.

They are the most underrated group I know of.

floppybootstomp said:
Yep, I know what you're thinking, I've lived here all my life and still don't know how to find my way home

Glad you got home alright in the end, it ain't clever to be in a situation like that!
Yeah when I looked at the Title of the thread I never thought it would be the band Squeeze either..Glad it was..:D

Have listened to this band for years and love all the old classics Up the Junction, Pulling mussells, Take me I'm yours etc etc..

"The sweeneys doing 90" that always takes me back to watchin the Sweeney on a sunday evening sitting on the floor in my pyjamas hoping my mum won't say c'mon its about your bedtime, oh how I loved that programme, Regan and Carter..

Funny how music can bring back the memorys...Squeeze are one of those bands that do this for me, all sorts of memories with all of there songs..

Thanks for posting Flopp's..Glad you got in ok...I hope it was a polite F**k O*f..:nod:
Thanks for the replies guys :)

Just a few pix:





Glenn after the gig:


Waterloo Bridge, trudging southbound....

looks good flopps glad you didnt get mugged 40 quid for a cab probably less than 7 miles or so damn what a rip off!