squeaky fan on graphics card

Apr 13, 2004
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is this sound of impending bearing failure? Is it possible to replace a graphics card fan? I have an Nvidia Geforce Ti 4200 with AGP 8x (is this the model of chipset rather than actual card?).

Also on a related note recently I have had to replace the power supply, main fan and now this, the computer is nearly 4 years old, reasonable spec but whats the expected lifetime of one that gets alot of use? Is it a false economy to keep replacing parts or is it time for a shiny new one? Am worried about catastrophic faliure of hard drive etc leaving me without (no tv, so only source of entertainment..).

Usual helpfull comments appreciated..

Forgot to metion, is a carrera ssc octan system, fairly highly recommended at time of purchase
do u play a lot of games?

I also have a ti4200 and the fan gets to me
I just unplugged it!

thats a dangerous thing to do
but i cant stand the noise and im not a gamer!

oh yer 8x is the speed of the card!
to take full advantage u would need an 8x agp slot otherwise i beleive it goes down to 4x or 2x!

u can unplug it remove it and replace it thats for sure
Yes ... you can replace the HSF off a vid card ... finding one to fit is the problem as your card is err, old. ;)

Try overclockers ... a link is around here somewhere. :thumb:
Thanks for that, assumed since I could see a 3 pin plug it was removeable, once pc has been on for a while it settles down and stops making that awful noise - what about general age of PC, should I get a couple more years out of it?

I dont really use it for the latest games as I'm a cheapskate and stay a bit behind whats current as the price drops, runs everything else I use fine.
If a PC does what you need it to do ... no need for a 'new' one. :thumb:

When it gets too old, like me, give it over to "crunching" and buy a new 'super-dooper' system. ;)
